Church Media Volunteers: You Are Not Alone

What was your first church media project? A sermon recording? Creative skit? Video announcements? Running the soundboard? Improving your church website?

Before you took the leap, did you have butterflies in your stomach? The nervousness of getting the timing right…the worry of messing up, or being late…the fear of judgment from those you wanted to serve…

But do you remember the feeling after? The sigh of relief that you were done…the feeling of accomplishment…the look of thankful approval from the ones who trusted you with the job?

Do you still get that feeling today?

We All Get Stuck Sometimes

It may only take 3 months, or it may take 3 years, but at some point, we all feel like we’re at a stand-still.

  • The job is repetitious
  • We’ve maxed our resources and can’t invest any more time or budget
  • The job is changing so fast we can’t keep up (social media much?)

Whatever your reason for being stuck, we want to encourage you today…

You Are Not Alone

I’ve been there. Dave’s been there. We’ve all been there.

What makes it harder is the church media and communications role is so new, even your own staff barely understands what you’re trying to do. And don’t get me started on the different struggles trying to shift church culture.

But despite all of the above, we serve and we learn…together.

Facebook Groups

Much like youth pastors 25 years ago, church communicators are now entering the church scene. But we now have the technology to join with others and hone our skills and lift each other up.

If you’re not already involved in these Facebook groups, I highly recommend you check them out:

Connecting to these groups will give you an outlet to ask questions, gain insight, and learn from others with the same passion as you.

These groups are the inspiration behind our CTA Insiders Group for our members, where other small-medium church pastors and volunteers can share ideas, ask questions, and get expert advice from Dave and me.

God is on your side

I want to leave you with this quote from Paul Tripp:

Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp

When the days come and go where you feel like nothing is working, hold onto this fact: no one has more interest in the use of your gifts than your Creator.


We’ll all come across days where you feel like your ministry is stagnant. But you don’t have to go through those times alone.

The world is changing. Relationships are changing. Just as we leverage technology to preach the Gospel, we can use the same technology to keep our sanity in this new role.

What are your favorite Facebook Groups for ministry work? Where do you find support for your ministry? Let us know in the comments below!

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